Who we are

Founders Jane Parslow, Nigel Pacey and Anne Cannings have been working in the field of career, life and retirement transition for many years, often meeting at professional events.

Nigel and Jane met while networking, forming RED Retirement to focus on their common interest in supporting people in later life transition. About the same time, Anne and Nigel met through Retirement Life Plan (RLP) while undertaking their Retirement Coach Certification (find out more about that course here). Upon completion, they began to use and promote the RLP approach under licence for coaching and workshops.

Retirement Pathways grew out of collaboration between those separate retirement coaching and facilitation businesses. The breadth of experience and expertise all three bought to the field has resulted in a more streamlined yet extensive range of offerings focused on the psychological and emotional transitions surrounding retirement.

Retirement Pathways’ work reflects a continued commitment to research and inclusion of the latest thinking into their coaching and workshops. They have developed their own materials and exercises based on evidence and the work of leading authors in the field. Much of the content is not available elsewhere and is continually refined to reflect client feedback. These materials can be selected and tailored to individual client needs.

Anne, Jane and Nigel enjoy working together and with all their various clients. Between them they have over 100 years of experience of coaching and workshops. Being in a similar age group to those they support means they have personal experience of many of the topics covered. Not only are they passionate about helping others, they appreciate first-hand the benefits of what they do.

Anne Cannings

Jane Parslow

Nigel Pacey

How We Work

Retirement is going through an intense period of change. The traditional retirement in which you would leave work and then spend your time in leisure is increasingly not what people want. There are many different options open now to people approaching retirement age.

That’s why retirement planning needs a flexible and personalised approach, to find the solutions best suited to you. Our work with individuals has no fixed timescales and is never prescriptive. Through our coaching and workshops, we are guided by the needs of the person; we will never instruct, recommend, or tell you what you should do.

Our coaches and workshop facilitators are retirement specialists and understand the challenges because, aside from many years of research and training, they have been through a retirement experience. Along with a wide selection of useful tools and exercises they have the breadth and depth of experience to both appreciate the adjustments needed and the techniques for working through the changes.

“Using a combination of open questions, which allowed me time and space to explore my own thoughts and preferences, together with information and suggestions based on the experience of other people in retirement, it led me to have a much clearer vision about what my retirement could be like and what I need to do to prepare for it”