Retirement Explorers is an opportunity to meet with others like you who are approaching retirement or are already retired, to explore what retirement means, to gain valuable insights from others experiencing the same questions and to clarify your own thoughts about how you will manage your transition.

Here you can connect with others, hear what others are thinking, share experience and get some useful input from experts in the field.

Whether you plan to retire fully or to carry on working in some way, this next phase of your life can be richly fulfilling, and Retirement Explorers can help you to make a successful transition to your new life.

Book your place: Retirement Explorers

It’s completely normal to have questions about retirement. It’s a big change and a bit of a leap into the unknown.?

If you, or someone you know, are approaching retirement, already retired or are thinking whether you will ever retire and have questions, why not join us at one of our, online retirement conversations?

This is an opportunity to hear what others have to say and ask your questions about any non-financial issues in a relaxed and informal setting. We will be online for an hour so drop in when you want and stay for as long as you like.

Book a place using this link: Retirement Conversations

Our monthly newsletter brings articles about the retirement transition, updates on what we are doing and the latest retirement news from the UK.

Where to find us online

HR Voices Podcast

Retirement Planning for HR

Menzies LLP

Maximise the Potential of Older Workers

There is a huge amount of information on the internet about retirement. What we have included below are some of the things we have found useful. We have a more extensive range of resources that we can share with clients.


Retirement Life Plan by Pauline Johnson-Zielonka

The Third Age by William A. Sadler

The Midlife Review by Steve Butler and Tony Watts

Flourish by Martin Seligman

Transitions by William Bridges

Life Is in the Transitions by Bruce Feller

Flow by Mihaily Csikszentmihalyi


Check your state pension age

Money Advice Service

Citizens Advice Bureau

Society of Later Life Advisers

Retirement Planning (HM Government)

Other Websites

Centre for Ageing Better

Saga – Money, Health, Travel

Take the Mid-Life MOT

Life Redefined 

Retirement Life Plan

Seven Stages of Money Maturity by George Kinder

Enough by Paul D. Armson

Extra Time by Camilla Cavendish

The 100 Year Old Life by Lynda Gratton & Andrew Scott

Live The Life You Love at 50+ by Keren Smedley

Not Fade Away How to Thrive in Retirement by Celia Dodd

The Power of Meaning by Emily Esfahani Smith, Mizhan Marno et al


Rest Less - Careers for over 50s

Working Wise - Job site for older workers

No Desire to Retire - Job site for over 50s

Brave Starts – Support for older workers

55 Redefined – Jobs, finance, legal and lifestyle