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to the Future
Are you ready to retire?
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Specialists in retirement, we use a ‘Wholistic’ approach that empowers you to tackle the challenges and adjustments needed to make a successful transition to retirement.
With us, you will achieve peace of mind, a renewed sense of identity, a clear retirement purpose and a rich, fulfilling retirement life.
Pathways for Organisations
As there is no longer a ‘cliff edge’ point of retirement and employees have much more freedom about how and when they retire that freedom can generate uncertainty and anxiety for people.
When is the best time for me to stop work?
What will I do if I retire?
Am I still valued at work?
Could I continue working but reduce my hours?
Retirement is different from other transitions like changing job, we don’t know what it will be like.
Some people may stay on longer than they would like. They may be less engaged at work and so less productive or effective. They may leave earlier than they need because they feel they don’t fit in anymore.
One way of reducing the uncertainty and anxiety is by undertaking pre-retirement planning both financial and non-financial.
When employees are clear about their future income and they understand what the transition to retirement involves, they are more able to make informed decisions about their future.
Pathways for Individuals
Retirement is a great opportunity that most people from previous generations did not have but it also comes with challenges and adjustments that can be difficult to negotiate.
I don’t know who I am anymore
What do I do with all my free time?
I miss my old work colleagues
I don’t feel that I have a purpose to life
We have all experienced different transitions in our life - moving home, changing jobs, becoming a parent.
The transition to retirement can be very dispiriting if we aren’t able to understand the challenges we face and make the adjustments needed to create a fulfilling life.
It is easy to be feel some concern about impending retirement because there is a great deal of uncertainty about what the future will hold.
By understanding what the transition entails, thinking through how what that means for you and making concrete plans for managing the transition, you can face the future with confidence and anticipation.
Retirement is a major life transition and is likely to last many years.
While for many it is the reward for years of hard work, for a significant proportion retirement is not the positive experience they expected. At Retirement Pathways we believe retirement should be and can be fulfilling. It is a time of opportunities and fulfilment yet also adjustment and change.
No two experiences of retirement are the same. Everyone is different and people have varied needs and aspirations. We firmly believe that no one size fits all and that people have many of the answers within themselves.
That’s why retirement planning needs a flexible and personalised approach, to find the solutions best suited to you. Our work with individuals has no fixed timescales and is never prescriptive. Through our coaching and workshops, we are guided by the needs of the person. We will never instruct, recommend, or tell you what you should do.
Get in touch
If you want to talk to us about your retirement or maybe you would like some more information about what we do, you can use the boxes below drop us an email.
Discovery Conversation
A free discovery consultation is a chance to have a conversation with us. You might want to check whether your current plans seem ok, you might have some questions you want to ask or you might want to find out how we can help. Why not book a call? It is free so what is there to lose?